Test Product
Quantity: 1
Right Eye (OD) & Left Eye (OS)
OD stands for "oculus dexter" which is Latin for "right eye". OS stands for "oculus sinister" which is Latin for "left eye."
Sphere (SPH) aka Power (PWR)
If you’re nearsighted you’ll have a minus (-) before the number, and if you’re farsighted you’ll have a plus (+) sign.
Cylinder (CYL)
This is only for people with astigmatism. A nearsighted astigmatism will have a minus (-) before the number, and a farsighted astigmatism will have a plus (+) sign.
This is only for people with astigmatism. The axis is a number between 0 and 180 and determines the orientation of the Cylinder (CYL).
We need your Pupillary Distance (PD) to ensure that your glasses are customized to fit you perfectly. PD is the distance between the centers of each eye. Once we get your PD we can finish your glasses!
Kid PD Range: 35-65 mm.
Adult PD Range: 50-80 mm.
If your PD has 2 numbers, it is typically written 22/20 on your prescription. The first number is the right eye (OD), and the second is the left eye (OS).
1) ONLINE PD TOOL: Virtually measure your PD using our online tool! Click the "Measure My PD" button and follow the on screen instructions. Then enter your PD number in the form.
2) EMAIL A PHOTO: If your little squirmy wormy can't sit still long enough for the online tool (we totally get it!), you can just take a picture at home and we'll measure the PD for you. Follow these directions here.
Sometimes it can be hard with little ones, we totally get it! Take a picture following these directions and we'll measure the PD for you:
Las gafas de sol polarizadas envolventes Ludicrous Speed están fabricadas en Italia con nuestro famoso material de montura flexible y flexible y almohadilla nasal de silicona ajustable para proporcionar un ajuste ultraligero, duradero y cómodo. ¡Las lentes polarizadas deportivas envolventes están diseñadas para brindar una claridad inigualable para ayudarte a dominar ya sea que seas un guerrero de fin de semana o un futuro profesional! Asegúrate de llevar un paquete de puños antideslizantes para darle un toque extra de color y agarre cuando los necesites en el campo, el campo, la bicicleta, la pista o la montaña. Cada par viene con un estuche de transporte con cremallera y mosquetón y un paño para pulir incluidos.
"¡¡¡Velocidad ridícula, vamos !!!" - Rick Moranis, Bolas espaciales
@roshamboeyewear Velocidad ridícula... ¡¡¡VAYA!!! ¡Las nuevas gafas de sol deportivas envolventes de Roshambo Eyewear son ultraligeras, ultracómodas y ultra elegantes para esos días soleados del campo! 😎 ¡Disponible en tallas para jóvenes y adultos en roshambo.com! #ludicrousspeed #roshamboeyewear #sportsunglasses #roshambosunglasses #lcyo #citysc #nccfnl #soccer_team🔥 #softballgirl #baseballboys #fnlsquad #roshambobaby #sportstiktok ♬ sonido original - Roshambo Eyewear
Our youth size sports wrap sunglasses fit ages 5-15 years old (depending on head size).