Living in San Diego will teach you one thing: the sun is in full effect year round. Not that I’m complaining! But with the extra sun exposure comes the need for sun safety for kids and the entire family. Don’t let the upcoming “winter” weather fool you, even on a cloudy cool day the sun’s rays can be damaging your kiddos skin and eyes. Be sun safe with these sun safety tips for kids you can’t ignore as a San Diego mom.*
Cover up with swim shirts or rash guards to protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).
Stay in the shade whenever possible, and limit sun exposure during peak intensity hours.
When choosing a sunscreen, look for the words “broad-spectrum” on the label. It means that the sunscreen will protect against both ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays.
You may want to select a sunscreen that does not contain the ingredient oxybenzone, a sunscreen chemical that may have hormonal properties.
Use a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. The additional benefits of using sunscreen with SPF 50+ are limited.
Just like our skin, our eyes need UV protection too. Make sure your family’s sunglasses have ultraviolet protection.
Everyone should take care of their eyes, but children’s eyes need extra attention. Your child’s eyes are more sensitive to UV light because their pupils are larger than adult pupils.
Until about 10 years old, they also have clear lenses which enables more of the “bad” rays (UVA/B) to reach the retinas.
The rays from the sun are not only entering your child’s eyes directly, but they’re also bouncing up from the sand, water, and concrete.
Sunglasses without the proper UV protection can be MORE harmful to your eyes. The tint causes the eyes to dilate and allows more UV rays to enter the eye.