as many of you know, owners scott&julia are expecting their first baby very, very soon. if things go according to plan, baby girl will be joining the team in a couple weeks! just like her mom, our little girl is extremely stubborn and refused to flip despite our best efforts, so she is forcing our hand and julia has a scheduled c-section on the afternoon of november 11th. please brace yourself for lots of photos to come – we have no issues with nepotism here, she will absolutely be our favorite shades model very soon.
as all new parents can attest, prepping for baby has proven to be a strange mix of joy, anxiety, stress, excitement, and pure terror. adding to our recent list of worries is the whole breech baby thing. we always new c-section was a possibility, but it is crazy to have a date on the calendar and know a relatively major surgery is impending that will result in a tiny human being. it would have been nice to get baby girl to mom right away without the whole ripped open abdomen thing, but hey, safety first. guess dad will have to hold down the fort while julia gets worked on. wish us luck!
in funner baby prep news, we have officially finished our nursery. the pictures below can give you a good idea of what baby girl will be brought home to; went with a soft yellow, pink and grey theme. pink animal portraits give the space some character, and that chair is a glider/rocker/recliner combo. it is exactly as comfortable as it looks. above the changing table you will notice scott’s vinyl collection, baby girl is going to get a mix of classic rock along with her nursery rhymes (i am confident she’ll be a big billy joel and/or tom petty girl). if you look closely, you may be able to distinguish the two-tone yellow stripes on the wall. please appreciate them. men, if your wife ever tells you she wants two tone walls and convinces you to do it with some version of “it won’t be that difficult,” run. just run away. getting those stripes straight, taping, waiting to dry, painting and repainting was awful. in fact, i believe the geneva convention now lists forcing a husband to paint stripes in a nursery a human rights violation.
what you are looking at below used to be scott’s beloved office/ man cave. autographed ucla jerseys proudly hung on the wall, there was a mini basketball hoop, a tv, a super comfortable couch for unscheduled napping. it was heaven. there is no better symbolism for mentally preparing to become a father than removing your kareem abdul jabbar autographed jersey from the wall and replacing it with a picture of a pink zebra. profound stuff. i have to admit though, i like it more now.
ucla jerseys would look great above the crib…
thanks for continuing to support our little company with a big cause. we plan to be fully operational through this whole newborn thing, so keep the holiday orders coming so we can keep supporting autism research and send our daughter to college some day! stay tuned for nursery decorating tips and updates about our baby girl!
as always, remember,
little people deserve big people shades.